This topic has likely hit the blog in the past, ince I do think of it often -- the human propensity to see the world through dichotomies. From my philosophical stance -- my personal ontology and epistemology -- I tend not to see things solely as opposites but rather as continua with concepts holding aspects of the two anchor points. So, instead of black or white, I tend to live in the grey zone. Strict binary definitions of socially constructed concepts can be more rigid than reality. As someone who skews strongly towards postmodernism, I understand that there are others that see the world and what is known in a much narrow way than I do. I can accept that without badgering people about how wrong they may be -- most of the time <smile>. Sadly, I've found the stricter the ontology, the less accepting of difference folks can be. Simple right-wrong, yes-no, left-right do not allow existence of anything that blends the two -- so no middle ground. Overall, this can make me sad as the variety and difference between the two absolutes can be filled with wonder and challenge. Perhaps some of us thrive in that environment more than others who choose not to be challenged.
While reading and doing housework today, these ideas whirled around in my head for the umpteenth time <smile>. This may have begun after hearing a song that outlines this middle territory so well. The song was part of a online FM radio tribute to a wonderful human and musician who passed a couple of weeks ago. In this selection, he plays piano and sings one of the verses. Listen to the lyrics and relax with the music. Enjoy!
Shades of Grey -- The Monkees
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