Thursday, 7 March 2019

Day 6 - 66 -- Off the Planned Path

Bright sun and cool met me for my walk to campus today. I met a brave and strong young women outside the building where we had spoken last night. She has such a positive view of life. That made me smile. I had to revisit that moment tonight to help me come to terms with other interactions of the day. Some discussions did not go as expected. Feeling less strong to begin with today didn't help me to react the way I'd wished I could. Sometimes saying what you feel can create further difficulties. The goal wasn't to make anyone else feel uncomfortable, but to let them know how the situations impacted me. Past agreements for plans appear to have been bypassed, which left me confused and frustrated and wanting to explain but without being able to get thoughts into words.

A long walk to the physio office didn't help me relax as I'd hoped it would. On the way home from the appointment, I encountered a man wearing one glove and searching through his bag and backpack for the other. We were walking in opposite directions. About a half block later, I saw his glove on the sidewalk, so turned around and walked back to where his was digging through the backpack. By this time of day, it was cold with light snow flurries, so a longer walk for him with a bare hand would have led to frostbite. He said he'd just prayed to St. Anthony and there I was with his glove. <smile> That encounter along with the one from earlier in the day helped me relax enough to see some aspects of the misunderstanding in a different light. I wouldn't say it is "all better" but I'm trying to see the situation through other  possible lenses.

Taking walks down unintended roads and meandering pathways today brought a song to mind. I enjoy this singer-songwriter musician. particularly the work from his solo career. Enjoy!

Any Road -- George Harrison

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