It's been a day. It began with a bit of sunshine and solid plans for the day. As I finished what I'd planned, a major deflation occurred. That mood crash left me trying to describe it. On the outside, it would appear as anger, yet that didn't describe fully what I felt.-- bits of frustration, disappointment, confusion, feeling cheated along with other bits that I couldn't name. I tried to do some cooking and baking for supper, but then had to run out for milk to finish things. I hoped the walk would help alter the mood. I'm not sure it did. The jugs of milk -- all four of them in the cooler -- were streaked with mud and displayed major dents in the plastic cartons. These looked liked they'd been bounced off the back of the truck into a mud puddle. I was most worried about a large dents becoming a crack and leaking milk all over. So -- I carefully chose the least battered of the bunch. Supper was completed and it tasted good <smile>.
Reflecting on this later, I may have felt like those milk jugs looked -- beaten and muddy. The emotions could lead me to crack if not managed well. I did stare down a car while crossing the street, after all <grin>. This reminds me of advice I've given and received. Just like me inspecting those jugs, I knew I needed to handle the things with care to avoid breakage. Being kind to myself could be similar -- though I find it more difficult to be nice to me than to care for a milk jug or be kind to others. That still brings confusion -- why can I care for the feelings of others and not do the same for myself? Interesting point to explore further.
Song lyrics that reflect the thoughts of the day deal with the need to be alone to work through the emotions. They also note that there may not be an identifiable reason for the feelings. The vocals and complex rhythms brought interest and some relaxing at my end. I hope they can do the same for you. Enjoy!
Don't Take it Personal (Just one of dem days) -- Monica
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