Sunday, 5 May 2019

Day 6 - 125 -- New Hope

The day began early while I assisted with organizing students for the procession into convocation. It is always fun to see them before the event -- so much smiling despite the early hour. The ceremony contained some amazing speeches -- short, inspiring and very well worded. The class speaker and the honorarily doctorate recipient each touched on a similar topic -- that of changing the world. Challenges to find the passion in work that will improve conditions in this world for a more sustainable future came from the speakers. The messages were designed to engage listeners and get them thinking.

I enjoy convocation day. It contains so much hope as hundreds of new careers are poised to take off. Celebrations include the ceremonies, luncheons, receptions, and time with friends and family. Tonight, the graduates will gather for one last evening together before they head their different ways. I look forward to hearing their news over the next years. It can be difficult not to feel proprietary -- 'our students'. Perhaps there is a bit of pride in the small contributions we have made to their development. When I think about it, they have played a major role in my growth over their years here, so maybe it isn't too selfish to feel that I played some role in their lives, too.

When listening to the speakers this morning, I did hear the chorus of a song in my head. As the day progressed, the song remained, thus, I'm sharing it with you. The lyrics contains much hope and caring for the world around us. Enjoy!

Heal the World -- Michael Jackson

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