Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Day 6 - 133 -- Sleeping and Counting

For the past several days, I've awoken earlier than the alarm or my expected weekend waking time. It is getting to be a bit ridiculous being up 2-3 hours earlier than desired. Today, I made breakfast and then after being up for 4 hours, I fell asleep listening to the news. Needless to say, the tiredness is creating a less productive situation. At least I have a something to blame <smile>.

While working at the list of things that need to be sent, read, written today, I found myself setting an order for things to occur. Out loud I was counting - one then two then three and so on. At one point, I sang the counting without even thinking about it. Then, I laughed and stated that I now knew what the song for the day would be. It was elementary, if you'll let me use another part of that lyrics. <smile> Enjoy!

NOTE: sorry this is a day late. I fell asleep early last night after getting part of this written. Just one more think on the fun list that didn't get completed. <grin>

1-2-3 -- Len Barry

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