Sunday, 26 May 2019

Day 6 - 146 -- Future Concepts

Several things were struck off the weekend list today. Besides the ubiquitous laundry, I cooked a chicken dish with a salsa sauce -- very yummy and enough in the freezer for other meals. A blueberry crisp will provide a fruit and cereal dessert for the week, too. Some online searches for items that need to be replaced or repaired took part of the afternoon. The high point was a phone chat with a good friend -- left me with a more relaxed approach to the rest of the day. <smile> The plans for next week have been organized over the days. Many things need to be completed in the coming week and a bit and planning may lead to success.

I find it interesting how the future can be exciting or feared or both at the same time. It can create hope or bring anxiety. Sometimes it seems we focus on the future more than the present, missing where we are at this particular point in time and wishing or dreaming for something different. Those feelings don't always become plans to improve the current situation. Often people may just wish or hope for improvements made by someone else. When something exciting is in the offing, a mix of emotions can arrive. If it is something more concrete -- a trip, a new addition to the family, or a planned event -- we make plans to prepare for that specific happening. Perhaps making plans for the vaguer 'something might happen' feelings can be much more difficult -- causing more anxiety or fear. Hmm.

Lyrics of the selection of the day deal with concept of the future complete with hopes, plans and expectations. It is from a synth-pop style duo, complete with an intriguing introduction to the song itself. Enjoy!

This Used to be the Future -- Pet Shop Boys

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