Friday, 31 May 2019

Day 6 - 151 -- Thoughts of Home

Today was filled with mundane tasks. The dreaded list for the day has only one item left to push to tomorrow. Not bad when many unexpected things popped up at the top of my list of their own accord. <smile> For the last day of May temperatures were below seasonal and didn't get much past single digits Celsius. That made working away indoors feel pleasant.

One addition to the list involved a phone conversation with someone from Saskatchewan -- the place that I feel in my heart as home. This event led to memories of walking along the stone fronted buildings of my home town with their exquisite masonry designs. It is rare for a prairie town since most were wooden buildings, so no longer exist; yet those in Moose Jaw do. Many thoughts of friends, colleagues, mentors and family rushed in while I was cooking supper. All brought smiles. I do miss it often.

A Canadian troubadour wrote and sang a song that states much of what I feel. It is a tribute to the major river that runs through the province. I love the deep resonant voice. It adds much to the wistfulness of the lyrics. Enjoy!

Roll On Saskatchewan -- Stompin' Tom Conners

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