Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Day 6 - 148 -- Experience the Emotions

The day brought a mix of sun and cloud along with a variety of emotions. I put aside the major project writing and tried to tackle some of the huge pile of small things that need to be done in the next week. The afternoon brought a great walk out to do errands and head to a meeting and a physio appointment -- a busy afternoon. While at a small memorial garden I had tears when I came across a plaque for a former student who died of domestic violence. The tears caught me unaware. Later I explained a different situation of loss and had tears there, too. The physio appointment helped with relaxation and the walk home felt more positive.

Often we work to hide our emotions from those around us. While there are situations where this is necessary, cloaking all emotions may have negative effects on the individual and those around them. Someone told me once to feel the emotions. A book once noted that we should embrace the emotions, feel them and then move forward. Pushing them deep down inside only risks having them all emerge in an uncontrollable explosion. So, today, I acknowledged the sadness I felt momentarily and continued with the conversations at hand. It takes a form of bravery to allow yourself to do this, but it did feel right.

Hiding emotions from the world is mentioned in the lyrics of the song selection for the day. Also mentioned are feelings of control, power and strength. There is a lot packed into the song. The beautiful melody supports the lyrics well, as does the singer's voice. Enjoy!

Unstoppable -- Sia

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