Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Day 6 - 127 -- Busy, Busy, Busy

This warmer, sunny day contained some unexpected events in the midst of the planned activities. I paid a bill that was much less than I'd expected -- a good thing <smile>. A planned lunch meeting was delightful. Buried deep in the e-mail inbox was an invitation to dinner tonight -- another unexpected surprise. During the afternoon, I worked to get through the e-mail and the 'to do' list. There was much to do -- mainly short smaller tasks, but there were a great many of these. 

I found myself rushing around for much of the day -- trying to get all those little things completed. As I ran back and forth, things seemed to get off track, which required them to be repeated -- a rather counterproductive process <smile>. The day's list was completed and I walked home. Dinner out with friends was lovely. One is leaving for the summer, so it was nice to meet for a farewell meal. 

I'm hoping that the business of the day can be an aberration rather than a norm, since there are many meetings, appointments and deadlines for the month of May. While pondering this and the need to repeat a task this afternoon, a line from a song ran through my mind. I heard the title and chorus lyric line with a changed word -- I hear 'busy' instead of 'hurry' so - 'I'm too busy to get things done' came out <smile>. Enjoy! 

I'm in a Hurry (and don't know why) -- Florida Georgia Line ft. Alabama


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