Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Day 6 - 128 -- Unearthing Courage

A few items on the 'to do' list for today were completed. A larger undertaking involved conversations with two people to help me find a way through the trepidation. This task -- a biggie -- needs attention in the next couple of weeks. I feel a bit more prepared to negotiate my way through to a finish after the help from two friends. Further work on work projects moved things forward a bit today, which brought a smile. 

I did a lot of walking with songs in my ears today. That helped with the tension and brought several smiles. By the time I headed out for a walk in late afternoon, the sun had been replaced by cloud. Temperatures were similar, though, due to a strong cooler breeze. I'm not close to putting away the fleece for the season yet <smile>.  Having the courage to do something that I say I hate is a challenge, even when it is likely that feeling comes from major discomfort with the process. Finding an assistant or two to provide pointers and advice can really help quell the fear and find the courage. 

One song played in my head today as I reflected on the steps in front of me. I like this more unplugged -- less produced -- version of the song. Enjoy! 

Brave -- Sara Bareilles

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