Friday, 17 May 2019

Day - 6 - 137 -- Seeking Different Viewpoint

The sun and cloud jockeyed for position throughout the day -- somewhat like my plans. A concern shared with a larger organization brought understanding and a chance to help with the problem solving -- turning a less than desired outcome into a coaching situation. Other tasks of the day went almost according to plan with one written document being submitted -- another step forward in that project. Shopping meant running around stores (plural) that had sales yet product was not on the shelves or the sale price simply wasn't available. I will admit that I felt a bit frustrated with this since it means heading to yet another store tomorrow to get the basics needed. I really didn't have the desire or energy to deal with customer service for the lack of sale or product. Another time. I will be able to get what I need at a different sale price at another store so all is not lost <smile>.

Being solution focused can be difficult at times. It is a mindset that demands a positive perspective. While not impossible, there are times when this may not be possible. My goal is to work to identify the challenge as a opportunity rather than an insurmountable hurdle most of the time. With enough rest, this may be possible. Learning to see things from different viewpoints can take time to retrain a brain used to seeing the negative. The end result, though, can be positive. It all takes practice.

The shared song lyric and title fit well with the pondering of the day. Seeing opportunities can strengthen problem solving -- just need to see it. Enjoy!

Missed Opportunity -- Hall and Oates

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