Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Day 6 - 142 -- Losing Words

The challenge of the day involved finding lost words. Cognitive functioning slowed due to migraine. It took longer to find the words needed and get a concept clear from what someone else was saying. It happens with some headaches. Today I had to resort to playing verbal charades as I tried to find the word needed -- describing the object or person so others could help find the name. That does work in some cases and did help a few time today. Sadly, nouns can't be replaced by other words -- fancy term - circumlocution. For verbs and modifiers having a great vocabulary to begin means there are fewer times where you are just standing there trying to push out a word. Nouns are a whole other story, though. Gladly, most friends and colleagues understand the situation and play along with the game. <smile>

The experience of the day brought to mind a song that was a movie theme from several decades back. It has a slower tempo that almost sounds foreboding. The female singer has the perfect voice for this one. Enjoy!

Charade -- Julie London

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