Monday, 16 September 2019

Day 6 - 158 -- The week begins

As the morning unfolded, it became clear this was a definite Monday. I drove to campus a bit later than intended and couldn't find a parking space anywhere. So, I headed to the grocery store for a few items -- five products from the flyer. I found one. One!  other shelves were empty with some hidden behind flats waiting to be unpacked. I put the one item back and left the store. I went back to campus to try again for a parking spot. No luck. I went home and walked back up. I'd hoped to put the final belongings from the old office into the car so I can transfer some home and the others to the new office one at a time. I separated the cords and peripherals for the computer, packing them into four boxes -- none very heavy, just awkward. It would take three trips across campus for me to carry it to the new abode. I found a friend who willingly assisted by taking two of the boxes while I took the other two. We got out of the building and I realized I didn't have the new keys. So a small delay in the trip. The stairs up to the top floor were brutal. Good news, the computer boxes are all in the new office room. <smile> I checked the phone -- no dial tone <sigh>. On my way off campus tonight I stopped to ask the person responsible for phone transfers when this might occur -- they are on vacation for two weeks. It seemed no one else fully understood what to do or what might have been done. So, there is no telling when the phone will function. I have weekly phone meetings, so need this soon -- it may be over two weeks to get this connected <bigger sigh>.  Throughout the afternoon, it seemed that we had spitty rain with wind begin again each time I left one building to walk to another. I like rain, but this was cold. The light sweater from the office had been packed around something breakable last week, so I didn't have that extra layer needed.

While this sounds cranky, I found myself laughing often at the absurdity of the events of the day. I hope to spend time in the new office getting things unpacked and setting up the computer. It should function on wifi as a laptop, so that may get me through the online meeting tomorrow. I have been trying to keep my mood up, but there are external things beyond my control causing anxiety still. I hope with continued work things will ease a bit. Trying to focus on the positives around me rather than the negatives.

A song containing several lines that describe some of my feelings today is shared tonight. It does sound a bit more down than I feel, since there are fleeting moments not extended periods of angst. And I do love rain, just not in my face while carrying boxes <smile>. Enjoy!

Rainy Days and Mondays -- The Carpenters

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