Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Day 6 - 267 -- Stuck

As some cold symptoms recede, others remain. I headed out for a short walk to the pharmacy to bet some more saline nasal spray. I walked slowly there and back, but found that I was extra fatigued when I returned home. A rest with my feet up for a bit helped. The Town fellows were by today to trim some of the tree branches near the power lines along the street -- not all trees, but those at the edge of the sidewalk. This made a big difference for that part of the front yard. The tree removal fellow will be by for the rest of the yard soon. I had a productive phone meeting in the afternoon and a wonderful video chat with a friend who is far away at present. Both good conversations.

Much as I enjoy being by myself -- alone does not equate with lonely <smile> -- after a few days, I feel a need to get out and see people however briefly. Perhaps this comes after a forced confinement more than one chosen by oneself. Being inside due to weather or illness emphasizes all the things one can't do. Making the choice to stay inside may focus more on the things one can do.  I do know that I dislike being told what to do or feeling forced into a decision I wouldn't make on my own. Perhaps this holds true for the non-planned seclusion.

Hmm  -- looking at those word choices, it appears that the feeling I was describing is one of feeling trapped rather than safe and cozy. <smile> A song lyric that fits this concept well came to mind. The repetitive nature of the melody emphasizes the tension of the feeling. The singer celebrated his 70th birthday earlier  this week. Enjoy!

Trapped -- Bruce Springsteen

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