Sunday, 1 September 2019

Day 6 - 243 -- Clearing Spaces

Today involved a concerted effort to declutter another couple of corners. Several items needed shredding, but the most will hit the curb with the next recycling blue bag pickup. A clear spot on the floor created a startle reflex in the furry one. I"m sure there has been something sitting in that spot over his entire time here. Interesting. Several magazine piles were reduced to fewer issues that will be taken to our "freecycle" table at the office. Very cool. Other than that, laundry was completed and floors swept, particularly where the accumulated clutter had been moved. .

After supper I went for a longer walk. I obviously walked more quickly that expected as I got home sooner than expected. This gave me a time to listen to tunes, let go of some anxiety, and check out areas of the neighbourhood not traveled recently. The rhythmic walking and breathing did help to relax a bit. The walk was followed with a shower to wash my hair, which also helped with the relaxation needed. For the rest of the evening, I plan to watch an older movie with my bedtime chai and snack of some sort.

While moving things around in the decluttering process, I encountered small areas of dust or dust bunny hiding spots. Words from an older song came to mind and made me smile. The lyrics suit the disposition of stuff and the bass riff is amazing. Enjoy!

Another One Bites the Dust -- Queen

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