Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Day 6 - 246 -- Slogging through the Greyness

A research meeting and an appointment went well. I didn't get to packing more boxes, though. Time was spent organizing things for a meeting late in the week and looking for hope in the indeterminate future. I was reminded of the words of a rock icon, John Lennon, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." What an insightful thought that is.

I've often discussed the grey world that I believe we live in, while so many people wish for a clear cut, black and white world. If we keep trying to force life into this dichotomy, I fear we will remain unsatisfied with life. Granted, there will be difficult passages, but even those have wonderful moments of insight and joy. We just have to be ready to look through that murky grey and find the positive points. A very wise friend addressed a similar concept about our life expectations. He cited  "The cleanliness of theory is no match for the mess of reality."  (attributed to Ed Dayton) Humans seem to want things to be as easy as possible; yet isn't it the difficulties that teach us the most amazing lessons? I'm not sure life was ever meant to be easy. Facing the reality that it is a difficult journey with many great things to encounter among the hateful bits, takes fortitude. Hiding from this basic truth will likely ensure we travel along as miserable folks rather than those willing to accept, learn and grow from what we encounter. I'm still working on this one, and find it is all too easy to be drawn into the forced fit black and white dichotomy rather than slogging through the greyness.  But, I believe the slog will be worthwhile.

The song shared today is one that has featured in the blog in the past. I have loved the philosophical stance of this song since forever -- well, since I first heard it eons ago. The keyboards at the beginning are fantastic as are the different lead and harmonizing voices. It makes me smile. Enjoy!

Shades of Grey -- The Monkees (from Headquarters, one of my favourite albums)

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