Friday, 20 September 2019

Day 6 - 262 -- Meteorological Changes

Well -- I awoke with a definite cold. Extreme sore throat overnight abated by morning, though a constant feeling that I need to clear my throat persists. This may explain the extreme tiredness of the previous two or three days. I took things easy today. After lunch I participated in a two hour writing workshop, which helped me to develop another chunk of the current writing project. I'm learning to write in a different style for these shorter pieces. When it comes to writing a few thousand words, this may not work as well. I expect a full day workshop would fit better for this. Sadly, few others in my circle can commit a full day regularly. I spent the rest of the afternoon, doing very little other than resting.

When I checked for the mail, I was shocked at what met me when I opened the door. Heat and humidity spread their joy outside. This may be just a hint of what is to come early next week. Forecasts state that weather will be much like oppressive days of July and August -- temperatures in the high 20s along with major humidity making it feel like mid-30s. Yuck. This will last for about three days. I guess that means that I have to bring the fan up from its basement storage spot. This weather may be part of a former tropical depression bringing moisture up from the Caribbean. -- Imelda perhaps. I'll have to study the maps a bit more to figure out the source of this summer reprise at the beginning of autumn.

A song was brought to my attention on the morning show today. It involves the songwriter and a famous drummer in place of Levon Helm and many other musicians from five continents. The video was produced by Playing for Change, which strives to bring the world together through song. They also began an organization that builds music schools to train children and youth worldwide. The song I heard of this morning is now 50 years old. Enjoy!

The Weight -- Playing for Change ft. Robbie Robertson and Ringo Starr with global musicians

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