Monday, 2 September 2019

Day 6 - 244 -- First anniversary

Yesterday marked one year since retirement. My 'to do' list for the year have been partially completed. The research writing, though is taking much longer than planned. It is moving forward, just slower than expected. Having plans is a good thing <smile>. As the fall temperatures arrive, evening walks should be more common. These bring perspective. Decluttering in the house does, too. I've learned to watch a movie, often only doing one other thing and sometimes doing nothing else. Giving myself permission for such behavior takes practice. Guilt can be the impediment here, though. As campus ramps up for the academic year, colleagues become less available for a short visit due to their work schedules. Being among other people is a necessity, so finding ways to have conversations without messing with someone's schedule becomes the key.

While doing some writing this afternoon, a movie was playing in the background. The opening monologue caught my attention.
"Retirement is an ongoing relentless effort in creativity. At first, I'll admit, I enjoyed the novelty of it. It sort of felt like playing hooky. . . . The key to the whole thing was to keep moving -- get up, get out of the house and go somewhere, anywhere." -- from The Intern, spoken by Robert De Niro
Now I haven't found things as bleak as that. There definitely are days that require me to be out and about. Finding that new routine is challenging at best. Hence, my famous list exists to keep me doing something while giving me a choice of what to do. Creativity becomes necessary. Taking a course, attending a lecture, reading a book can become the centre of one's days. Now I'm still doing 'work' like stuff as I do some wrapping up of research projects. There are several others on campus doing the same, so maybe having a coffee/tea break with them could shed some light on how this process can work.

The song chosen for today contains lyrics that reflect some of my thoughts of the day. It has a hopeful feel to it, much as I do. The singer is one from my youth, Enjoy!

Hell Yeah -- Neil Diamond

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