Well -- I spent much of the work time at the new office today. E-mails were checked and answered from the laptop using wifi. Once the skype meeting was completed in early afternoon, I pulled out all the cords and peripherals and began finding a way to lay out the cords and get things hooked up as needed. There is a mess of cords along the back and side of the desk since the wall plug in is on the opposite side of the desk from the hole cut in the back wall of the desk for cords. Many cords were way too short to be threaded through that and still have the mouse or USB hub in a place that made it usable. So, cords on top and power bar in behind desk. I wasn't sure of the time, but I felt done for the day and headed back to the car way across campus. I stopped in the former office briefly --still five items to move to the car from their sometime when most people have headed home for the day. While in the building I met a colleague who had just returned from trying to visit me i the new office. We had to have crossed paths along the way. So, my first visitor and I missed her. <sigh>
Things are feeling odd still, but once belongings are on bookshelves and in filing cabinet I'm sure I will feel a bit more organized for the work that needs to occur. I stopped by the office of a new neighbour today and we had a good chat about the writing she has planned for retirement. Seems many of us head that way. <smile> It takes time, but when you have something important to say, it should be done. It is a moral obligation to share research findings. Ethics are involved -- as well as heaps of passion.
I giggled as I sent an e-mail invitation to friends noting that I was writing from high atop campus. The giggle was for the song line that came to me as I typed that, knowing it would be the song of the day. It is by a group featured here often as a group or individuals. The title made me laugh out loud though, since the phone still doesn't work and we're not sure when it might be connected and missing my first guest. Enjoy!
Don't Call on Me -- The Monkees
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