Friday, 3 July 2020

Day 7 - 185 -- A Mixed Bag

It cooled overnight and was a pleasant sunny day today. I went for a mid-afternoon walk down Main Street. Seeing some stores and offices opened again felt good. On the way home, I stopped at the library to pick up books that I'd ordered on Tuesday. It turned out that these volumes are new to the shelves at our local branch, though the online system doesn't show this clearly. So, no need to order these particular books online anymore or place them on hold  (unless checked out by other patrons). Cool.

I spoke with a friend by Skype before supper. This helped me to laugh and relax a bit. I had been feeling sad earlier in the day. Now, I am still sad, but a happier perspective is present. We truly are social beings and when not interacting with other people for long stretches of a day, mood can become altered a bit. Now, I've mentioned the power of small things -- things we might have taken for granted before all this began. Well, tonight the house was cool enough that I could do something that is rare in summer months. A bath! This isn't a usual evening event like it is in the winter simply due to the relative temperature rise in the summer season. Showers take over when temperatures soar.

A song lyric that mentions taking a bath seemed fitting today <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Bath -- Harry Nilsson

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