Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Day 7 - 210 -- Sweltering

The day began with what are called sharp showers in the UK -- major downpours that last only a few minutes. As the temperature climbed and the sun arrived when clouds moved on, the humidity became oppressive. It was very sauna-like by late afternoon when I headed out to run a couple of errands. I again was very glad for an air-conditioned vehicle. I went to the office to print the speakers notes for the presentation tomorrow. The evening will include several run throughs in preperation.

As the evening wears on, I am expecting the humidity in the house to increase. It was cooler and drier this morning. This will change once the sun sets, but at least we started somewhere more bearable. A heat advisory is in place for tomorrow and the next day or two. Little cooling overnight will happen. While the ambient temperature will be cooler, the humidity will be very high, so opening windows is like letting a river of wet air into the house,which only adds to the discomfort. It will pass with time -- just another thing we have to abide. <smile>

An upbeat song seemed reasonable tonight. Some of the lines describe the discomfort of summer heat. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Summer in the City -- The Lovin' Spoonful

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