Monday, 20 July 2020

Day 7 - 202 -- Conversations

A heat advisory led the day. Cloud cover prevailed until mid-afternoon, which slowed the heat infiltrating the house. This evening holds promise of a hot and humid night -- less than ideal sleep conditions. It should break a bit in the next 36 hours with overnight lows a few degrees below the forecast for tonight. It is July in the maritimes, after all.

While visiting with friends by phone, video chat or in person over the past couple of weeks conversations has turned to several local and global responses to many different situations. In all cases, some reactions struck us as odd, bizarre, nonsensical or scary -- or all of these at once. I found myself often articulating the same idea in different words. To paraphrase, these statements went something like, "People are weird." or "That's too bizarre." --  and other similar phrases. Attitudes, actions and convictions left us wondering. Were we losing faith in humans? Not fully. I found it interesting that from the best of human kind seen in a tragedy --think March with the global pandemic -- it seems that if things go on too long, human attention is turned inward rather than outward.  Fear, uncertainty and disrupted routines may have left many people unable to keep up a positive and helping attitude. We see more negativity in society whether in person or on social media. This spread seems to be outpacing the positiveness of the earlier days of isolation. Working to send less negative messages into the world takes effort, but I encourage us all to try.

When thinking through the similarity in responses to recent conversations, a song title came to mind.  Stay safe. Enjoy

People are Strange -- The Doors

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