Friday, 17 July 2020

Day 7 - 198 -- Surprise Sunshine

The forecast for today was clouds with some sun peaking through. As I made breakfast, I looked out the window and saw nothing but bright blue sky -- no clouds anywhere. So, it was a surprise sunny day. I did a quick walk out to the drug store to pick up some staples. It was pleasant walking in the sun for a change. Plans altered mid-day, so I didn't get as far with projects as hoped. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow's another day."  <smile>

I completed the  two online courses and quizzes required before I can return to campus with some regularity. It took some time, but has been completed. hopefully, the final approval will arrive quickly. By the end of the afternoon, I found myself nodding off a bit and by early evening could scarcely keep the eyes open. Rest will help, I'm sure.

A song about sunshine seemed in order today -- mentions sunshine and surprise. Hope this one works for you all. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Sunshine of your Love -- Cream

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