Thursday, 9 July 2020

Day 7 - 190 -- Greyness

I spent much of the day in front of a computer screen. We had a research meeting and virtual conference presentations. The pile of 'need to do' items did not change today. There's always tomorrow <smile>.

In the early evening I went for a walk in the cloudy grey light that had been with us all day. Rain began mid-evening and will become steady overnight and into the morning. Hotter temperatures are forecast for the end of the work week into next week. So, I chose to enjoy the cooler breeze in a walk today while I still could. Much of the day felt as grey as the cloud cover -- just blah and in some spots a bit sad. The whole COVID situation can become overly trying some days, yet, we've made it through 116 days give or take, so we can do this. Loss of impetus is present more than earlier in the process. Again, with some work, we'll get through it.

The song chosen for today contains lyrics that reflect the greyness of the day and note the loss of perceived simplicity of something we knew to something less well known. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Shades of Grey -- The Monkees

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