Sunday, 12 July 2020

Day 7 - 194 -- Cats, Dog and Take Out

Grayness greeted the day with sun making a brief appearance just in time to set. The brisk wind brought moist warm air, that increased the feel-like temperature considerably. tomorrow is to be extremely hot and then we may get a break with some cooler nights and cloudy days.

Indoors I worked on some housekeeping projects and some small tasks for uncoming research presentations. By supper the kitchen felt a bit humid and I wanted something light. I decided to walk out to pick up some Chinese food -- a wonderful won ton soup filled with vegetables and some steamed dumplings. The walk was pleasant, meeting the neighbour cat and dog for a chat along the way. They each bring a smile whenever we meet.

I'l admit that the choice of song tonight is likely the worst song that I've posted in this blog in 6.5 years! However, it covered the topic of my major outing to Main Street for take out (or take away in some parts). If this is your first blog visit, trust me, they are generally better <smile>.  Stay safe. Enjoy!

Chinese Food -- Alison Gold

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