Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Day 7 - 197 -- Get Cooking

Overnight it cooled even more and the house now feels comfortable again. This meant that I could cook without fearing heat stroke <smile>.  So, I took many green things from the fridge -- all that wonderful produce I got at the market on the weekend. I sauteed rainbow chard with garlic scapes, green onion, with thyme and dried chili flakes. So wonderful. This goes well with poutlry, meat and eggs or just on its own. YUM. I added it to Thai chicken burger  and perogies. All so very tasty.

The strawberries I got from the store have been mascerated and mixed with balsamic vinegar and a dash of fresh ground pepper before serving as a type of shortcake made with sponge cake. I also had them last night with Grande Marnier, in a type of strawberries Romanoff. Again, all so very yummy.

The song for today was chosen for the name of the band performing. Interesting lyrics from the psychedelic era. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Incense and Peppermints -- Strawberry Alarm Clock

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