Friday, 17 July 2020

Day 7 - 199 -- Something and Nothing

I visited with a friend later today. While that may not sound noteworthy, it is. I'm not sure we've had an in person visit since March 12 or 13th -- just when this whole pandemic was just being recognized. We have tried to keep in touch online and with video chats, but sitting in person in the park today was lovely. The day was sunny, warm with a great breeze -- and it wasn't too hot (that will return next by Sunday). We talked about many things, laughing as we always do. We marveled at how much has happened since we spoke online just last week. I felt a bit rejuvenated after that.

Other than running some errands and working on a couple things at home, I did little of note. Interesting how one can be busy but not seem to be doing anything. That reminded me of a silly ditty that I'll share here. Stay Safe. Enjoy!

Busy Doing Nothing -- Richard Sherman

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