Monday, 27 July 2020

Day 7 - 209 -- Recognizing Positives

The day was cloudy but humid with a cooler breeze in early evening that made a longer walk doable and comfortable. I visited a beautiful little memorial garden. The plants are at the height of beauty with flowers and blossoming shrubs resplendent. The place is peaceful though tinged with a bit of melancholy. I was pleased to visit since it has been months since I was last there. During the winter, plows leave huge piles of snow by the entrance pathways, so late spring through fall are the only times when one can walk or sit and reflect there.

Moments of peace can bring perspective -- a way to let go the fear and recognize the positives in the days. I found myself walking and smiling. That felt so good. People I passed nodded or said hello. That brought further smiles -- or perhaps just bigger smiles. <smile>  Getting outside for exercise helps reduce stress and greeting other people shows we are still socially connected. Recently, psychologists have reported that the weaker social connections with those we don't know well, actually play a major role in maintaining mental health. This is an interesting finding since we often don't recall such socially distant interactions. No smile is too small, it seems.

While walking a song came through the ear buds. It fit my musings well today. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Heal the World -- Michael Jackson

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