Fear has made social media become a bastion of ugliness. Aggressive rudeness to anyone outside of the area inhabited by posters are told to stay away and not contaminate the posters' surround. Is the fear behind such posts being dealt with by following public health guidelines. Even when regions open up to people from outside, continuing to mask, distance and hand wash will go a long way to minimize spread. Infection can be reduced dramatically with such measures as we've seen around the world and the closer neighbourhoods. If this doesn't occur, further lock down and major disease spread is likely. When border close or travel is curtailed, families and loved ones are caught on opposite sides, not being able to see each other except through a screen. It behooves us to remember this when we become a bit panicked. Think of who we are as a society and be kind to others. Practice kindness and never assume as we are often incorrect when we do <smile>.
A song came to mind when i was thinking of how all people on this planet are facing the same fears. Working together from a place of kindness and love can help us all get through this so we no longer have to remain separate together, but can be physically together again. I chose the original version for the bright young faces of the artists <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy!
We are the World -- USA for Africa
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