Saturday, 11 July 2020

Day 7 - 193 -- Farmers Market Day

The day started with curbside pickup from the local framers market after an early phone chat with a friend. As the season progressed, the produce selection expands. I came home with mixed baby lettuces, great green onions, garlic scapes, and amazing rainbow chard -- full grown and gorgeous. To top it off, I got a package of oat cakes. It is wonderful to order online from all the local vendors and then chat with them when they load the items into the car. it is different that a wander around the market with conversations with several vendors and customers, but this iteration meant local growers still have an income and customers still have the great foods.

Many people get weekly or bi-weekly boxes of produce through local food stores or community supported agriculture programs. Many vendors are small or even micro-operations. Such enterprises don't have enough output to sell to usual food retailers. Farmers Markets and CSAs provide a viable economic opportunity for smaller growers. Shopping at the market reminds me of the agricultural area that I grew up in and lived in until I moved to Atlantic Canada. There is still much agriculture here, but not the larger operations found in the prairies.

The song chosen to share today is a tribute to farmers. There are several good songs out there like this, but this one always comes to mind first. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Farmer's Song -- Murray McLauchlan

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