It has been a grey day with small sunny breaks between the clouds. I looked out the window while doing dishes this morning and saw that the bulbs on a couple of the maple trees showed signs of unfurling. That bright pale green of early leaves has begun to appear. I look forward to watching the leaves as colours turn deeper green when leaves grow and begin the work of feeding the trees. This can be seen up close at the leaf level, at the tree level where each individual changes at its own pace, and at the level of the forest where the tapestry of green shades morphs as the season progresses. Given our lockdown, I'm not sure when I'll get to see drive through the forest, but I can see the hills surrounding town from various vantage points. In this way, I won't miss the show entirely.
A new month has begun. This one brings not only leaves on trees, but other growing plants and warmer temperatures. I grew up on the prairies where most trees in town had been planted. The Boreal Forest grows in the northern areas, but I didn't get there often. Now living in the midst of the Acadian Forest, I see the hardwood and softwood trees go through their annual cycles. It is fascinating.
A song about the forest seemed fitting today. Imagine! <smile> The relaxing melody helps me deal with the latest case numbers in the province and all the other stresses micro and mega sized. Being in nature has been noted to reduce anxiety. I find it helps me feel less lost some days when I can see the progression of a life pattern with daily changes around me. Keep safe. Enjoy!
In the Forest -- Van Morrison
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