Friday, 7 May 2021

Day 8 - 126 -- Adjusting Schedules

 This rainy grey day began with rebooking of an appointment. This has occurred often in the past few weeks. One  meeting appointment had four dates over a month and the other now has had 3 dates over just under a month. These postponements push planning for another appointment further into the future. None are emergent, but there is a sense of urgency just to get them over and done. All of that said, none of the postponements were for frivolous reasons on the part of the other people involved -- sick leave, lockdown and conflicts with other urgent events. 

So, while this is frustrating from my perspective, I understand the situations with others. It does focus on my reduced ability to be flexible these days. It seems my perspective of urgency may not be fully shared, just as I might not share the definition held by others. That idea was an eye-opener for me. <sigh> I advocate for myself, but try to do this gently. Even when some situations call for a firmer approach, I try to remain respectful. I find this technique brings better results in most cases. It comes down to being kind and respectful in hopes that others will return the favour.

Regardless of how such situations are approached, an underlying frustration often remains. That is something that I need to address -- a tall order, I think. Learning to see schedules as more fluid won't be an easy task. A song from just a few <smirk> years ago came to mind while thinking through things today. The chorus lyrics and the tempo reflect the feeling well. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Urgent -- Foreigner 



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