Friday, 21 May 2021

Day 8 - 141 -- Slow or Fast?

As promised, Friday has been sunny and very warm. The breeze helped things to feel comfortable and the humidity wasn't overly high. I headed out for a walk around the grocery store. I had to get some things that the curbside pickup store doesn't carry, but the walk in store does have. A greeter was at the door to keep count of how many people enter and how many leave, thus ensuring the maximum capacity isn't exceeded. Hand sanitizer was handy at the entry. On the way out, a hand washing station was set up -- soap, water and paper towels. The two people in front of me stopped -- as did I -- so the effort made by the store is being used. 

I've been thinking about time passing again. All day yesterday I thought it was Friday. It was Thursday and I was working from the Thursday schedule, but for some reason my mind thought it felt like Friday. When making a time to chat next week, a friend and I chose Monday. I noted it was a holiday Monday and then stated I wasn't sure what difference that makes now. Being retired and being in lockdown seem to make days melt into each other. That degree of sameness can be challenging since regular work schedules can provide signposts and routine to tell you the day. I also find it odd that we are already heading into the end of the month -- June begins in a week and a half. The sameness makes time appear to pass slowly, like me thinking it was nearly the weekend and it was Tuesday or when I thought yesterday was today. The lack of definition between days also leads to a feeling that time is passing so quickly. I often find myself at the weekend and marveling that another full week has passed. Mental health experts say that adding structure to the days can help with getting tasks addressed and helping define the days. I'm not sure when it occurred, but the weekdays seem to have become more relaxed in terms of schedule which makes it difficult to distinguish between Monday to Friday and the weekend. It may be difficult to disentangle these perceptions once we come out of lockdown and move towards a new looking regularity -- one with movement between areas and seeing actual 3D people. 

Overall, it feels like time is going quickly. Today I share a song with lyrics that describe this sensation. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Fast -- Luke Bryan



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