I completed a couple of major household chores today. One big one remains to be done in the next day or two. It is to be cooler tomorrow, so that might be the best day for a heavy cleaning chore. The skies were very cloudy all day but rain didn't begin until late afternoon. Much less than forecast arrived. More rain would help reduce the pollen levels, rated very high right now. That explains the sneezing and other congestion symptoms of the past couple of days. <smile>
I cooked dinner from scratch tonight. While trying to make double mustard baked chicken, I discovered that no grainy mustard was to be found. So, it became simply 'mustard baked chicken'. To this I added baked potato, baked sweet potato and roasted asparagus. To top it off, a blueberry-raspberry crisp joined these items in the oven. There will be enough for leftovers tomorrow and crisp for the week.
While cleaning chores do bring a bit of satisfaction, cooking can be truly therapeutic. There is a creative aspect to the process. Like an artist, I suppose. I cook by sight and feel using recipes as guides. A background in food chemistry helps to ensure things go well since ingredients drive chemical processes to ensure things look, feel and taste as expected. Over the years, I have developed many of my own recipes. Some come from reading many recipes and then making my own version. Some recipes came from my desire to replicate something I ate in a restaurant somewhere. These take on a trial and error process, tweaking the recipe each time. I have several of these and even developed alternate versions that are just as yummy.Others come from my imagination. After seeing food on the screen or in photographs, I have made dishes that taste like what I imagine they might be like. My online motto for years has been 'food is my life [TM].Cooking is just a part of this. <smile>
Many songs bring with them a sense of peace -- that inner peaceful calm feeling. I felt that while working in the kitchen today. Of the numerous songs that come to mind, I chose one that I noted was like liquid valium when corresponding with one of the co-songwriters. It comes from my favourite album by this band. The intro is great -- that bass line amazing. Just close your eyes, sit back and relax. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Early Morning Blues and Greens -- The Monkees
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