I woke to a sunny morning with lawn mowing service attempting to cut the blanket of yellow flowers. The end result looks good. The next bloom of the dandelions will arrive shortly, but for now it looks mostly green out there. By noon, the temperature had dropped almost 10 degrees as heavy dark clouds rolled in. I expected thunder, but nothing happened until after 4 PM, when there was a bit of thunder accompanied by an amazing down pour that lasted several minutes. Not enough to soak the ground, but things did get wet. The storm may circle back to try again. We'll see.
The weather struck me as similar to my emotional state some days. I wake with a positive feel and plans to do some task or other. As the morning wears on, that desire dissipates, some self-talk gets me back to thinking the task should be addressed and then I find myself back where the plan is to sit in front of the laptop or television or nothing. The circle continues. I do get things done, but this requires fortitude and forcing myself up to do whatever is sitting in the middle of my path. I feel better and a bit more useful when I have done something. With that feedback, I'd think that doing something else would be easier. Not the case.
Today I managed to get a couple of list items completed. Made a grocery order for curbside pickup tomorrow. Responded to a couple e-mail threads to move other tasks forward. Cook dinner from scratch instead of a frozen prepared meal or takeaway. These and a phone chat to a colleague helped elevate the mood somewhat. A two word song title came to mind. One word describes how I'd like to feel most days and the other notes what I expect to see out the window in a day or two. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!
Mellow Yellow -- Donovan
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