Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Day 8 - 339 -- Hidden Objects

I had a short meeting outside the house that was canceled as I got there. Once we found an alternate day and time, I headed out to get milk and eggs and then home. I had a good chat with a friend today. We've been doing weekly catch up chats for a couple of years now. It does help to keep in touch when we live so far apart. The cloudiness turned to rain and wind by late afternoon. It isn't certain how much rain will fall. I'll judge by the mud tomorrow. The snow will be gone by bedtime, I'm sure.

I have been thinking of clearing out some old and unused items. Thinking hasn't gotten me too far, but I feel I'm a bit closer to doing some of the work involved. When searching for something I misplaced in the past month, I found another item that I'd looked everywhere for last winter. Several times. I did not look in the closet where I found it today, as I was searching for the most recent thing to go walk-about in the house. I don't need the item I found today right now, , but now I know where I squirreled it away. The other item remains hidden. Frustration looms when I  know that an object is in the house, but isn't anywhere that seems reasonable to me at present. While items are not lost, only misplaced, it does make moving forward tricky when key pieces can't be put in place. I believe that all will be revealed in due time. If this time doesn't fit the current deadline, then I will need to find an alternative or simply do without. I often feel when you stop looking -- and may no longer need an item -- it wondrously appears. <smile> 

I heard a song that made me think of the holiday season and brought a smile. That helped me with the currently 'misplaced' issue <smile>. I love the pairing of these two artists. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas -- Ed Sheeran & Elton John

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