A very snowy outdoor scene greeted me this morning. We received 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) -- at least -- overnight. Winds did not pick up until mid-afternoon today, so things did not drift badly last night. I shoveled the porches and a pathway to the street. Luckily, the wind didn't start until the last few minutes of that endeavor. I called the plow guy to push out the end of the driveway. There is just too much from the street plow left there to clear by hand. This seems early for a huge snow fall, but checking past journals shows that it often occurs once in late November or early December. So, this must be that.
I dislike shoveling -- not for the physical exertion, but for the arrival of snow that reminds me that it is winter -- my least favourite season. That said, there are aspects of moving snow that I enjoy. The rhythmic nature of the process can be calming. I tend to move slowly, breathing as if doing weights at a gym as I push and lift the white stuff. That same rhythm allows me to check in with myself and explore emotions that I'm walking with in that moment. The past several days have been challenging as I've encountered less than helpful people in positions where one is expecting assistance. Naming emotions helps me understand where they originated and can move thinking into a place of adaptation to changes in the world around me. Much like the snow fall determines which shovel to use and if the plow man needs to be contacted, I can rework plans and keep moving forward.. In short, the shoveling helps me to process events, accept them, learn from them and move ahead -- just like each shovel full of snow gets me closer to the goal. <smile>
I chose the song today for its title <smile> and the lyrics that point to introspection -- different than my thoughts today, but just as self-examining as mine were. Keep safe. Enjoy!
While I Shovel Snow -- The Walkmen
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