Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Day 8 - 340 -- Parcels Out and In

Today, the sun appeared late morning and stayed until sunset. That was splendid. My walk out to do two errands was very pleasant. Temperatures were warmer than the past few days. All in all, it has been a great respite from the cold and wet weather of late. We had pouring rain last night with some stronger winds than I'd expected. Today, it is very muddy in the yard.  

Today I met difficulty with online software to send an e-transfer and to ship a parcel. One added unnecessary requirements that prompted me to go to the bank to straighten it out. The other refused to treat the shipment as a gift insisting that I include a commercial invoice. <sigh> Tomorrow there will be another trip out to a different shipper. I did try to call the customer service number but a lengthy discussion left me no where I hadn't been before the 30 minutes of waiting and listening to statements that did not address the situation. <bigger sigh>. Things will get on the way tomorrow, but it will take longer than if I'd had things in order yesterday or today. I also need to check in with something that was promised yesterday that seems not to have been completed for me. I tried to call that office, but only got a busy signal. Again, I hope to meet it tomorrow will new resolve. Right now, I just feel frustrated. That office has been working short-staffed for a while, so it was unlikely an intentional decision to make me wait <smile>, but I dislike having to remind people that I'm waiting -- and not very patiently I fear. 

This time of year can be challenging for many people. There is so much to do all for specific dates. That is a lot of pressure to place on oneself -- and on those around you. Delivery persons are being inundated. The doorbell rang as I was getting ready for a meeting yesterday, and I found a parcel on the porch. The fellow who dropped it by had done the same with two parcels last week. I called out to thank him and wish him a good day. I've always thought that job could be isolating and not always recognized by those waiting for parcels. Given the excessively long delivery times we're facing this season, I expect recipients can be grumpy. I was just happy that this one arrived a week earlier than promised -- a good business strategy actually, eh? <grin> 

In keeping with the parcel delivery theme, a song came to mind that relates to a major parcel delivery entity. It made me laugh when that song popped into my mind. I like the video with the artist playing several instruments. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

I'll be Your Santa Tonight -- Keith Urban

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