Friday, 17 December 2021

Day 8 - 350 -- Getting Home?

It was warmer today with some rain that went from spitting to pouring to nothing during the afternoon. I had good conversations with friends today, which helped with the negative events in our community. I started writing holiday cards. I have no letter this year due to the absence of  a working printer at home, and my decision not to go to campus to print. I will write a few smaller notes by hand this year and plan to get a working printer in the new year <smile>.

The  current COVID wave produced record highs for daily numbers of new infections in the province -- 285 or so yesterday and 394 today. Cases have been rising by over 100 for each of past three days.There are about 174 students isolating in town and on campus after testing positive. The anger and finger pointing surrounding the recent outbreak is oppressive. I understand that it comes from a place of anxiety, fear and frustration. It felt like this year holiday celebrations might not be fraught with worry about transmitting the virus. Instead, travel advisories have been put in place along with reduced gathering limits, increased mask mandates, and reinstated distancing. In addition, a new tool to help contain the spread has been implemented -- self-administered rapid tests. These are distributed through local libraries in our province. Public health officials recommend that people test before gathering for holiday meals and such. For those hoping to travel home, testing should occur before travel begins. Those who have contracted the illness and are in isolation until testing negative after symptoms dissipate, may not be able to travel for the actual calendar dates involved. I imagine this will be very challenging. I recall having to work over Christmas and Boxing Day during my first Christmas away from family. I didn't get to fly home until New Years. It just wasn't the same to celebrate on a different day. Luckily, I had an aunt and uncle closer to where I was living, so was able to have dinner with them on Christmas day. I appreciated that more than I think they will ever understand. Technology might help them to participate from a distance in the family traditions. So, virtual may replace in person again this year, but it will help keep everyone safe. 

A few lines from a song ran through my head today. This song was part of the season for many years. It felt like Christmas was really here when this was sung on television annually. I chose a version from 7 years ago. It may be a tad over-produced as it was the final performance, but it is great. I loved this spectacular performance -- and brave to stand on the grand -- at  73! <smile>  Shows that age in just a number. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Baby Please Come Home -- Darlene Love (final performance of this song on Letterman, Dec 18, 2014) 

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