Sunday, 6 February 2022

9-37 (6/2/22) -- Platinum and Ice

On this day 70 years ago, Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne after the death of her father, George VI. She was 25 years old and on an official visit to Kenya when she received the news. Today marks the beginning of her Platinum Jubilee year.  Most official celebrations will occur in June. 

I moved some snow and ice pellets from the porches and walkways this afternoon. The bright sun made the ice sparkle on all the trees, shrubs, lines, car and anything else that is outside. It is all coated with a heavy layer of ice. The sidewalk plow went by and left a pile of ice chunks on either side of the town sidewalk. These accumulations of ice froze solid overnight when temperatures dipped lower than usual. Tonight will be even colder. At least it will get warmer tomorrow and be above freezing for a few days. The ice piles will make getting out of the driveway without damage to the undercarriage impossible. So, I'll need to talk with my plow connection to see if that can be moved this week.

The title line from a song ran through my mind as I shoveled. It came from my looking up -- way up -- at the trees in and around the yard. Later it made me laugh as it fit somewhat irreverently with the Jubilee start. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Still Standing -- Elton John

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