Wednesday, 23 February 2022

9-54 (23/2/22) -- Uplifting Visits

Today was a warm day with less sun than forecast, but pleasant none the less. I headed out for groceries -- something that has given me pause often recently. Today was no exception. I got about 10 staple items and nothing extravagant and the bill came to $78CND. How are families managing with the ever increasing prices? Current inflation levels have been eroding buying power of consumers. The absence of corn chips on the shelves points to a price hike by the manufacturer that was refused by the retailer. The ensuing price war will limit access to this food product for an undetermined time. Now, for chip lovers (which I am not <smile>), that section of the store was filled with potato chips of all types including those from the company involved in the price dispute. Interesting. 

In the afternoon, I had a virtual tea break and visit with a friend and colleague. I miss our daily face to face chats from before my retirement and weekly lunches after I retired. Our conversation left me relaxed and smiling more than I had been earlier. Human contact brings so much. I've been reminded of its importance in the past few days. Even virtual meetings can lift spirits. This is so important during the slowly changing pandemic as well as the darker dismal time of year. I miss seeing people and chatting. I hold some small degree of hope that this will increase in the near future. I recognize how such contact affects me but also understand how I can affect others by reaching out for a chat. It all adds a bit of normalcy to a very abnormal-feeling world. I suspect that our reaching out to others can improve our overall outlook, too. That is definitely something to add to stress reduction and gratitude lists.

Thinking of the effect of inflation brought to mind a comedy routine by Victor Borge. It helped me to laugh at his response to inflation by introducing some inflationary language. While it isn't a song, I've included it here for you. A song that has appeared in this blog before just kept running through my mind today, so I will share it again. The message is positive and the tempo upbeat. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Inflationary Language -- Victor Borge

Count on Me -- Bruno Mars

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