Today was very sunny and unseasonably warm. Temperatures in mid-afternoon sat at 11C (52F), though my kitchen window thermometer had this closer to 15C (60F). I picked up a few of the twigs and branches that came down in the storm earlier this week. There are many others mired in the snow-ice, since I picked up those that were easy to get to without wading through deeper snow or slipping across the icy patches. I've heard complaints about the ups and downs of temperatures. Forecasts note that temperatures this week will hover around freezing with highs one day into the minus teens and the next day being well above freezing. Each time I hear this frustration expressed, I mention that this is a spring pattern -- the fluctuations of a transition season. I insist on taking some joy from the need to have three coats in heavy rotation. To me this provides some hope, despite what the groundhogs did or did not see earlier this month.
Signs of hope are present; we just have to remain open to seeing them. Being mired in complaint mode colours our days with negativity. There will be moments of both positive and negative in every day, which we can acknowledge and accept. We should try to see both and all that lies in between. There will be times when a major experience will pull us towards one pole or the other. Still, positive and negative will be part of each day. Working to disrupt the downward spiral of a negative focus takes a lot of work. It certainly isn't as easy as 'just do it', and will take time and effort. I believe the end point will be worth it.
Lyrics of the selection for today came to mind since they explained the hard work involved in getting to a more positive place. Keep safe. Enjoy!
On Top of the World -- Imagine Dragons
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