Tuesday, 15 February 2022

9-45 (14/2/22) -- Escape


This week's storm dropped a lot of snow. I shoveled twice today and each time a lot more snow fell. The forecast noted we should get 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) by the time it tapered later in the evening. I am sure that I moved at least that much snow already. It was still falling into the night. I'll have more to move around tomorrow. I cleared the end of the driveway by hand when the forecast noted things would slow considerably. When I headed out in the evening, there was so much more present than what I moved earlier. <sigh> As I was walking in mid-evening, a live of street plows and trucks with plow blades drove past. The sidewalk plow was out somewhere, too. This means that the snow accumulated at the end of the driveway will have a lot more added to it by the street and sidewalk plows. Guess I will call the plow guy again tomorrow. 

Today was Valentine's Day. Given the snow storm, I was surprised to see several restaurants doing a good business tonight. It has been a long time for those businesses. I have done takeout mostly for the past two years. If dining 'in' it has been outside on decks, sidewalks and patios. I ordered something for dinner tonight and was pleased that even with the busy nature of indoor dining, they were still doing a brisk takeout business. The walk out to pick up dinner took much longer than usual given the amount of snow on the sidewalks. Where others had walked or driven through the snow, it was very slippery, so I walked slowly. I felt like walking through sand, but without the warmer beach-like weather <grin>.  

A song lyric fits my thoughts of being somewhere else -- somewhere warmer and without snow and ice. The chorus describes the thoughts while the verses outline situations different than mine, but that pointed to a need to escape. 

Some Beach -- Blake Shelton

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