Friday, 18 February 2022

9-48 (17/2/22) -- Unseasonably Warm

Today we have some south winds to go along with the melting from warmer temperatures. The wind is expected to pick up overnight with major gusts Scary.  

Wind is often used as a metaphor for change. It can blow us away from something or towards sometheing. It can clear the cobwebs t help us think better. It can bring something good or not so pleasant. It can caress or buffet. In reality, wind can create much drama -- heavy storm winds. The wind we have today and tomorrow brings major temperature changes -- record breaking warmth today and much colder tomorrow. 

A good friend reminded me of the choice of the day while we were discussing the weather. Many covers of this selection exist. I chose two to share here. The first version is by the artist for whom John D. Loudermilk wrote the tune.  While the artist often played this on an acoustic guitar, this version is electrified. The audio is old and has some scratchiness and a few pops to it, but I chose it due to the solo nature of the performance. So many others have other instruments or full orchestras that overshadow the guitar. The second version shared takes the instrumental into a very different genre, showing the versatility of the piece. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Windy and Warm -- Chet Atkins

Windy and Warm -- The Ventures

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