Tuesday, 1 February 2022

9-32 (1/2/22) -- Sunny Day

All day we had bright sun with colder temps. I salted the very icy walkway out to the street again today.If nothing else, it should provide some traction, though I slipped several times when I was walking back in after a short trip to get some milk. The sun helped me get past some cranky moments as people cut in front of me in line, blocked the only entrance to the store, or parked up on the sidewalk leaving next to no place to walk (here, I slipped and would have ended up under the truck had I not been able to steady myself, which transferred a lot of dried salt stains onto my coat <sigh>). 

I completed a few things today that should have been done by the end of last week. I had tried to source some local things locally but had to wait until today to order directly from the local warehouse. A few household chores were done, too. It feels good to get something done, even if it is a smaller task or later than planned. When checking outdoor temperature today, forecasters were updating viewers on the next storm -- another Friday storm day this week. This seems to be the weekly pattern this winter -- every Friday wind, rain, and snow in varying amounts. I am so over this <smile>. The whole routine got old a few weeks ago. <grin>.   

The sun helped me find a few moments of calm in my grumpy day. I was reminded of a bright little song that helped me to smile today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Good Morning Sunshine -- The Beatles

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