Sunday, 27 February 2022

9-58 (27/2/22) -- Refocusing Thoughts

Today temperatures near freezing -- a bit change from yesterday. I moved about a foot of snow off the car and moved it all from around the car. Then I headed out for a walk to help relax and breathe. The afternoon had become grayer, which often finds its way into my thoughts. Walking and other physical activity helps to mitigate the negative impacts of such thoughts. I often listen to music as I walk since that can add to the relaxing aspects of the exercise. Today, I decided that I will need to listen more often to the physio play list I put together a few years back. At that time I needed something to focus emotions and keep me pushing through the pain and frustration while recovering from a major elbow break.  The hard work paid off and without the music it would have been more challenging. The playlist consisted of a couple of songs that made me smile and others with lyrics that motivated the 'yes I can' mindset. Personal power focus can take on other formats, too. Some people choose a mantra to repeat daily. Such internal conversations can help to develop new neural pathways that can over-ride the entrenched negative thought patterns. I haven't used the physio playlist for some time. Perhaps these lyrics can be part of moving forward with positivity. <smile> 

While walking today with the mp3 player on shuffle, one song 'broke through' the thoughts. I share that one here.  The lyrics promote a focus on self  and individual power. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fight Song -- Rachel Patten

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