Thursday, 24 February 2022

9-55 (24/2/22) -- New Perspectives

Cold temperatures returned overnight. Rain that fell last night as the temperature dipped, left me with a frozen front door. I was able to break the icy seal with some tapping and pressure. Then, once opened, I ensured that the outside push-button style latch was also freed from it's icy coating. I've learned from past iciness that if I don't do this, I am locked out -- frozen out to be precise <smile>. Talking with a friend today, she noted that her door would not budge, so she had been using the back door or the basement door. I have both of those, but don't always have the backdoor key on my key chain -- something else I need to remember to do.   

My walk today took me to Main Street to do my bi-weekly purchase of bread and muffins. These are brought to a local pharmacy from a bakery about 45 km outside of town. The wind had died down a bit, but it was still bitter when walking into the wind on the way home. The cold helped me keep my focus on positive thoughts from earlier conversations in the day. I know warmer days are ahead and while it was cold today, it wasn't painfully cold -- just a bit invigorating.  <smile> 

The talks and walk helped to see things from a different angle -- something I almost encountered at the house earlier in the day. That thought brought a song to mind along with a smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lookin' out my Back  Door -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

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