Saturday, 3 May 2014

Day 123 - candles light the way

Tonight we celebrated the baccalaureate liturgy, a tradition on the night before convocation. The homily was delivered by the University Chaplain using the wonderful metaphor of light. He began by noting that a candle lights a space far greater than its flame and likened that to the light of knowledge and service. The ceremony began with lit votive candles placed by students at the front of the chapel. It ended with the lighting of tapers carried by all graduating students. They filed out of the chapel and formed an honour guard from the door to the street -- a stunning display of respect for the president, clergy, admin officers, staff and faculty. They clapped and cheered for the president who will retire in the next couple of months. That was very touching.

I've seen this 16 times and it is always breathtaking. Last year it was cold and snowing, while other years have been rainy, cold, windy or warm. Tonight was nearly perfect -- no wind, a mild temperature, and a gorgeous crescent moon and north star in the sky. It was almost magical, as the candles remained lit for some time.

The selection for today uses the same metaphor of that light within us all. Enjoy!

Light the fire within -- LeAnn Rimes

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