Sunday, 18 May 2014

Day 138 - Sunday shopping experience

I did something I rarely do on a Sunday, I went for groceries (in New Orleans parlance -- I made big groceries). I half expected the places would be less busy than my usual time of after work mid-week, when I get there and discover it is student discount day <smile>.  Today was warm with sun and cloud, so it seemed to me most folks would be out in gardens, flower beds or somewhere fun outside with the family. By now, you know that was not the case. It must have been unexpected for the stores too as there were 3 cashiers on at Superstore, Sobeys and Walmart and line ups of people at each. I had difficulty finding items on the shelves that were in the flyers -- it must have been reshuffle day for marketers recently as things weren't where they usually are in all three stores. I felt so tired and these places can be overwhelming making one even more tired. I generally enjoy looking around a grocery store, but that happens more when I'm away from my usual haunts.

Do you ever wonder what other people are thinking as they are careening past you in an all fired hurry or blocking a huge aisle with their cart left sideways as they wander about reading and hunting? I often do, when I'm not muttering under my breath on my bad days <smile>. I'd love to do a study to see how people interact with the marketing environment that surrounds them. Are they, like me today, looking for that one bargain promised in a flyer or online that simply can't be found? Do they comparison shop? When they are reading labels, I'd love to know if it is the ingredient listing or nutrition label they look at and what exactly it is they are looking for. That might help to make labels more understandable to the non-nutrition professional. Or are they lost in thoughts of what happened today or what else they need to do when they finally get through a check-out aisle?  If only I had time to people watch and not just get out of the place to get onto the next thing on my list <smile>.

So -- after 4 stores -- 2 for groceries, 1 for other and 1 to order books (the kiosk computer didn't work and it seems it rarely works for people to do this on their own -- but the clerks didn't tell me that while I was standing there looking like a luddite pressing the submit button over and over <sigh>) -- I headed home for a rest before placing two online orders -- and still wondering what all those other people were heading off to, also.

The selection for today took some decision-making skills -- there were two songs that could fit well. One really did speak to the marketing aspect of the grocery store and finding that one sale item advertised, but the other really spoke about the personal aspect of the shopping experience. So, I went with the latter this time.  Cool lyrics and singer. <smile>  Enjoy!

Queen of the Supermarket -- Bruce Springsteen

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