Saturday, 17 May 2014

Day 137 - finding a slower pace

A Saturday much like many but without grading or course prep <smile> -- only laundry and housework. I have been doing some work on preparing an annual report for one of my volunteer duties. We're also working to prepare a session for the conference in June. Lots to think about and organize, but happy to finally have the time to focus for a couple of days.

There are a number of things that need to be done soon -- things that had to be pushed aside while working on the 'big report.' There are more than can be done in a weekend, but it will feel good to get to some of them and make plans for the coming months for fun, research and prep for September. I'm trying to relax but not so much that nothing gets done <smile>. The trick will be to dial it down, as it were, and yet not fret about the huge list of things to do.

All this made me think of a line, the title actually, from a song. It should be a mantra for a couple days as I re-establish a rhythm to move forward. I love this older version for its bluesy nature. Enjoy!

Time is on my side -- The Rolling Stones

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